November 20, 2016

Smokey Gutt and Me - The joy of Whippets

Love, it comes in so many different shapes and sizes and I can try to begin to describe the feelings I have for the dog in the picture above, my Smokey Gutt. I can remember what life was like, all the years before he came into my life, but, I cannot understand now, what kind of life I'd have without him in it now.  He is such a huge part of my everyday life, the choices I make and the results of the love he gives back to me are understandable in ways that maybe I am the only one to comprehend. Whippets as a rule are different than most other races of dogs, they are very fast, the fastest dogs in the world from 0 to 70 kilometers an hour, only the Greyhounds can reach a higher top speed of around 90 but Whippets reach 70 before them - every single time. 

Created by the working class in Great Britian in the 1800's - a combo of Greyhound and Terrier - a little weird to think about in the sense of just the size difference between the two races - one can think, how is that possible and it is a strange mix but thank goodness they made it. Whippets are one of the only few races that are used for compainionship theropy - it all has to do with how they are naturally, they seek contact, want to feel the physical connection between themselves and their owner. Smokey is really nothing special in that regard, he loves people, maybe I have had in some small way created a safe enviorment that gives him confidence that people are just good and not dangerous? I hope so. 

Nothing had prepared me for him, the goodness he has, the kind way he gives of himself each and everyday, The way he seeks and gives affection is humbling and makes me think how lucky I am to have him in my life. I talk with him and he looks into my eye's for the most part and I wonder, does he understand much more than I can imagine? Does he know how much he means to me? Is it possible for him to actually understand any of it? Sometimes I think so, without a doubt and I wish he could talk back and let me know how I could love him better - give him more of what he really wants, because I would -  I would do anything for him. Love is wonderful and loving a Whippet is easy and one of the most rewarding experinces I have had.... 

Not a usual post for me this - not sure why I feel the need to either - but I do feel it and hope that if you,  the reader of my blog, ever think about buying a new dog - buy a Whippet and I promise it will be one of the best things you ever do... it will change your life in ways you would have never expected. The joy and love you will recieve is beyond the words I have tried to use to explain my feelings... way beyond.

Smokey Gutt - My best friend - I love you!!

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