October 29, 2016

Get Up - Stand Up and the Bank of Karma

Bob... he said it. He wrote it. He made it. He lived it. He tried to show us the way. Did we listen?
The answer in my mind is a resounding no. Society today is all about getting yours, people will agree and disagree but I know it to be true. In the now times of this life people will do almost anything to advance their own agenda without the consideration of even the closest who will be greatly affected.
Nothing can make a person more dejected and depressed than being cast aside in the wake of people who really live this way. Oblivious to the affect of their actions and deeds. People lie, cheat and steal their way to the perferbial top. This we all kmow to be true and the people out their that deny it are hiding their head so far down in the sand that it's not even funny and actually real scary.. People should be ashamed of themselves for causing so much pain, suffering, uncertainty and society should create new rules that will enable us to change it.

I beileive in one thing. The Bank of Karma. In all it shapes and sizes. Sometimes it takes a long time for it to come around to the people who deserve it the most. In both it's negative and positive outcomes karma has it's subtle ways of balancing the scale and in some instances tipping it over in one direction. If and when this happens to you, well, I just hope that you have built up enough good credit in the Bank og Karma that the tipping goes in the right direction. We all have to live, everyday, we have to get up and stand up. We have to try to fight the good fight and hope the Bank keeps a total record for us that shows the real truth of our hearts.

Please consider the outcome if we don't... we can see, ever single day where we are headed and only me and you can change the path if we want. Each and everyone of us needs to Get Up and Stand Up and follow the example of Bob. Period. The world would be a better place.