June 22, 2016

In the Finish...

Two seconds later the move was made and he was done...in His finish position. Coming to the finish is so very important, not only in this crazy game of golf but also in this crazy thing called life.

When we finish something, at the moment of completing whatever it is we get an immediate feeling of how it went...did we do a good job, did we accomplish our goal, is "it" done?

Is it done correctly?  That's the question we all get answered when we come to the finish.

In golf, it's the balance we have in our finish position that gives us the only chance of feeling almost all we need to know about what just happened with our swing and we see the results in the flight of the ball.

But...it takes practice. Holding onto/not quiting on it and being in control of your swing until you get into the finish position  correctly is a huge part of being a good golfer and learning about ones own swing.

It's at that moment, those few fleeting seconds after we hit the ball and come into our finish position, that exact few seconds is really the only chance we have to "feel" what went wrong or more hopefully what went right with the swing.

I'm convinced without a single doubt that this is the case and that more than 90% of us, if, and it's a big if but if we could just concentrate on our finish position and almost nothing else at the time of "pulling the trigger", that most of us would play much better and more consistent golf.

Finish it and do it with the best balance you can...every single time...every single shot. If we all could do this we'd play better.

Is it mind over body then? Can we concentrate so single minded and still perform our best? I believe so. I know so and it is a matter of practice. Correct practice and lots of it. 😊😊😊

I'm still working at getting my fade back, it's coming along and the ball flies left to right again but sometimes it's a bit to much banana airlines... 😂😂😂 Nothing else to do but find the answers in the dirt sometimes, along with good practice and short game.

Have my dear boy until Saturday this week... before he travels "over there" with his Mamma for the first time... wow.  A little jealous ja...😉😉😉

Hope everyone is doing good where ever you are in the world. Keep swinging and come to the good finish you know you can!!

Best regards,
Kevin Michael

June 13, 2016

Leon in Full Focus...

Here's a picture of someone who is in full focus. It just so happens the picture is of my boy Leon. One can see his facial expression in the picture and see that he's really focusing on the ball and is ready to try and make a good swing. Fun!

He's only 8 and making progress in learning about the game. Not to press him, give him space and time to make mistakes, try new things and teach himself a thing or two.

Golf is a difficult game. To play it at all is a challenge and to play well is an achievement that makes one appreciate the times it does happen. Nothing can be more frustrating than golf...take my last round for example...over 90 shots I assume and I am still excited about this silly game...😆😆

A draw or a fade? That's been my question now the past 4 seasons. Last year I didn't really play much golf but the goal has been the same... hit a draw. Getting more distance has been my goal and now I'm going to say that it's been achieved and that it's time to move on. I've learned how to hit it, maybe not as well as I had hoped but moving the ball right to left is now a learned skill that can be utilised from time to time if absolute need be.

But for my standard shot, my bread and butter has always been a fade, as far back as I can remember. I am done playing a draw as my standard shot. Period.

I might hit the draw farther but my control is for shit and my ability to score is quite  inconsistent to say the least.

That my good people is the name of the game. Getting the ball in the hole with as few shots as possible. Nothing more - nothing less.

Time to hit the fade again, time to play safe and score the ball again. Time to play boring golf again. Experimental changes are now finished and the main goal is  repositioned again front and center.

Back to the range and finding the answers in the dirt. ☺☺👊👊

June 5, 2016

Little late night chipping with the new...

Put in a little late night chipping with my new 50° wedge from Callaway. That plus the new balls it's another feel than I'm used to and I must say I that really like both the wedge and ball. Looking forward to more short game practice to see how it reacts to other kinds of shots.

Being a long time BV man, I was sceptic to trying new wedges and changing out the Pro V 1 have I actually never even considered before trying this new chrome soft ball... real nice.

Seems to have the same properties as the Pro V 1 but seems to be a little more wear and tear resistant, which is nice when the cost for 3 or a dz can be expensive.

Looking forward to some putting practice tomorrow morning after the boys have clipped the greens :-)

The course is getting better and better each day and the greens are rolling super great!

Hope all the golfers out there who stop in from time to time are doing good where ever you might be in this wide world of golf...

Take it easy :-)

Kevin Michael