May 27, 2016

Fredags Kos - Spillehastehet - Go' Helg :-)

Halla folkens og ja det var Fredags Kos på Aas Gaard Golfpark & Hakadal GK i kveld!

Vi hadde Trener 1 folk der fra 17 og jeg kom rundt 18 etter jeg var inni Oslo til å hente gutta basen min. Var mange på rangen i kveld, noe ny ansikter også, og det var kjempe hyggelig! Vi avsluttet kvelden med en chipping konkurranse mellom 5 stk og det var også veldig gøy! Moro at folk har begynt kanskje å skjønne tilbudene som vi har på plass, kult og spennende . :)

Håper at alle kan fortelle noen de kjenner som kanskje burde starter med golf, som alle av oss som spiller og leve dette livsstil vet så veldig godt. Golf er godt for kropp og sjel! Sellom det kan være frustrerende til tiders, veldig frustrerende også er golf et godt ting for folk flest! Så ikke vent, fortelle noen du bare vet hadde likt golf hvis de hadde bare prøvd seg! Fredags Kos på Aas Gaard Golfpark!!

Spillehastehet er nok et tema som vi burde snakke om av å til. Går vi rask nok mens vi spiller? Skjønner vi når det er greit til å gå rundt og opp på siden når mann spiller sammen med andre? Vet vi alle at det er ok og at vi alle burde gjør det? Når vi spiller golf vi burde gå helle tiden, nesten... Mann burde vær i bevegelse hele tiden ut på banen bortsett på utslag, greenen og de tidene vi alle vet vi burde holde stille. Men å gå rundt og foran til å komme fram til ballen sin er en del av golf, ja, passe på når de andre slå men til å gjør seg klar til å slå når det er ditt tur er viktig for å få flytt ut på banen. Et runde golf burde ikke tar mer en 4 timer sånn ca. Det er et godt tempo og spillehastehet for de fleste. Holde seg til max 2 prøve sving på transport slagene og bli aktiv rundt greenen sånn at når det er ditt tur, du er klar til å slå. Enkelt ting ofte er det beste, i golf å... :-)

Håper alle har en fint helg og vi sees på klubben!


Kevin Michael Porn
Head Golf Professional
Aas Gaard Golfpark & Hakadal GK

May 25, 2016

Kl 1300 og vi er 'back in business'...

Opening the course at 1300 hours today!  After a couple days closed because of big spring showers the course is the most green I've seen it this season and it's really great to see. Last night after a lesson I went home grabbed a hot dog and then went back up to the practice area to do some putting. The greenkeepers had just clipped the practice green and that's the perfect time for a little close tot he hole practice. Hit about 100, 1 mt putts and some length control training. Was windy and a bit cold but the hour went by fast and I felt good about the putting.

Later we had the Juniors and were lucky to be able to sneak out on the back nine with the gang. I made the choice to walk with the younger juniors this time and that was fun. We played a little scramble where they actually made 3 pars and 2 bogeys! Fun to watch for us adults and even more fun for the kids. It's all about making it fun, the way you talk, the amount of enthusiasism one uses in his voice, all that stuff makes it more fun for the younger juniors. Cool to see how the Junior group assistants talk to, instruct the kids and all the small things that make for a successful junior program. This is going to be really fun!!

Other than that, not much else than golf going on here in Norway  and for those of you following along, spread the word about the great course we have here at Aas Gaard Golfpark & Hakadal GK that opens again today at 1300 hours!!

Good golfing and we'll see you all at the club!

Best Regards,

Kevin Michael
Head Golf Professional
Aas Gaard Golfpark & Hakadal GK

May 23, 2016

Rain, golfing in it, and waiting for something big...

Rain, rain, go away, come back another day...a silly saying we learn as kids in the states. Sitting here in my office at the golf club I\m thinking just that. I have the door open and can hear the pitter patter of the tiny dropplets outside. Looking out the window at the rain beating down outside makes me remember my childhood and all the rainy days in Portland, Oregon. We got used to it and people from there say often that they have webbed feet because of all the rain. Hehe. Maybe so. The picture up top is of Lag NM in 2006 I think and it rained and rained and rained that week....

Playing in the rain is something all golfers must do, esp if they are tournament players at any level. Being able to post a score in the wet and wild world of golf in the rain is nothing easy. The most important is to have a rutine that keeps your grips and hands as dry as possible. If the grips and hands get slippery, well, it's not going to be a fun round, Use a trolly with a umbrella holder. Have a dry towel under your umbrella and an extra in a platic bag along with some several dry gloves. I for one have never liked the Rain Grip golf grips, whre they say you can just let the grips get wet and because of the glove it's supposed to be just as good, Well, for me it's never been the same and I have tried just about everything and to post the best score I feel like one has to use the equipment one uses to everyday play. Same glove, same ball, just keep your grips and hands dry when your going to hit the ball...

Often when it rains one thinks about the things one could be doing outside if it wasn't raining.


I think so. So, if your a golfer and sitting inside like me looking at the rain and wishing... just remember that it stops at some point and then something big might happen, maybe not but it just might be the case... Nothing can be so difficult than waitng for something, a date, a good meal, love, a sporting event, graduation from school, getting married, having kids, starting school, christmas, getting a new pet, a set of clubs, a movie or theater tickets or other things that us people find important. Waiting is tough. No matter what it might be but when it's something big than it makes it even harder.

I have experience with waiting, probably no less or no more than the most of you around my age, waitng for things throughout  a lifetime is just part of living.  I have heard the saying that the older one gets the easier it is. I for one am not so sure. I still think it's hard. At the age of 45, I still really do. I can have problems sleeping before a big golf round and I know this is not something that is uncommon but part of being human. But how do we deal with it? How can one relax if your waiting for something big? Well, there are many options but how many of them are good ones? I'm really not sure. If I knew the answers to all these questions I guess I could write a book instead of a blog and make a million. :-)

Hoping the weather people are right and that summer is around the bend. Long warm days with golf into the late evening. The smell of new cut grass, the sound of the ball being cracked from a solid iron shot, the occasional 'fore' and all the other sights and sounds of being at the course on a warm summer day.

We'll all just have to wait and see... :-)

Good golfing and I'll see you at the club!

Kevin Michael

May 18, 2016

Feeling it, or not...

Played the Monday men's tournament a few days ago, the day started out pretty much normal, up somewhat early, drank my morning coffee, make some breakfast for Leon and did some cleaning. Nothing really out of the ordinary and I was looking forward to a day out on the course. Leon and I relaxed most of the morning, hit some putts, chips and except for being a little stiff in my lower back the body seemed to working normal.

About 45 min before my tee-time Leon and I went over to the range to warm up my swing/body. Other than the little stiffness in my back everything was feeling ok. Hit some normal shots on the range, 5 drivers and was ready to go. Busted my opening drive way down the middle and had 197 mt to the pin for my second shot, left it short in the bunker, took 3 shots from there to get it on the green and a one putt for bogey....Have played enough golf to know that sometimes we (humans) just loose the touch, the feeling or whatever you want to call it. Not fun when it happens, but it does happen. Keep grinding. Keep trying. 85 shots... whew... a lot. But went 2 under the last 4 and actually maybe something loosened up for me. For the first time this season I actually hit some real quality wedges into the greens the last 6 holes. Sounds strange for all the non golfers but ya, wedges. That's a must. 

Had a nice ball to go with, thanks guys and one of the gentlemen I played with won the day, so that was fun and it just so happens that the same guy played with me last week as well and played so poorly that he got some free swing help. Looks like it's helping... Cool.

A person can just make one shot at a time, live one day at time and make the best out of it. That's kinda my thinking about how to do things. Either on the course or off. We can't do a damn thing with the past, shots or life, if it's done let it be so and move on the the job at hand, Today, now, this shot and plan ahead for the next one with the best expectations. Not the easiest of tasks but with some mental practice one can keep his or her cool, accept the situation and really try to make the best out of the lie given.

Out on the golf course under normal conditions one has to accept where the ball ends up, no matter if its luck or not, one has to play the ball as it is, just like life. A person has to in many ways see where his life is, how he is going to make it better and accept the results of his actions. Hehehe... a lot like golf.  Being able to accpet how the ball lies, just as accepting how ones life is at that exact moment is neassasary in being able to move forward - either hitting the shot well or not. One has to try. There is no other option.

Well, there is, but that's not really an option.

Hope all the golfers and non-golfers alike are doing well this fine spring day.

Best Regards,


May 11, 2016

Callaway Demo Dag!!

Snart, ca to uker så er det Callaway Demo Dag på Aas Gaard Golfpark! Ta med din nærmeste og komme seg ut til å teste årets produkter! Jeg og en fra Callaway  skal bli tilstede hele tiden for å hjelpe til!

Glede meg selv å teste litt køller!

Sees 01.06.2016!!!


Kevin Michael Porn
Head Golf Professional
Aas Gaard Golfpark & HGK

May 1, 2016

Kurs deltagere er tøffe...

Vi hadde en dag med regn og snø men idag var det mye bedre med vær... Tusen takk dere alle sammen for to fine dager ;-)

Alle av oss på Aas Gaard Golfpark ønsker dere lykke til med golfen!

Golf er gøy :-)