Can it be possible?
That we are just existing upon this crazy spinning thing called earth?
Is the possibility here, that this is actually the truth and maybe we as a species are not really able to have the understanding of the depth of which our own unconscious mind understands it?
Are we stuck here on this rock?
When our physical bodies cannot continue is that it?
What are a relatively simple species like us doing here?
Are we really just a chromosome away from animals we are lords over?
Is it all flesh and blood?
Or is there something more?
Is it possible?
To explain our existence in such simplicity, to possibly understate the obvious is not only easy, but happens often, all to often I believe and coincidences on that size and scale, well, I just don't buy it for one nanosecond that coincidence plays such a divisive hand in it...
Things are happening in this world for a reason and I believe we as a species really are missing the subtle nature of our existence. We are really Not seeing the big picture and for me the opportunity has arrived in my lifetime to at least try and understand and accept the facts as best as my simple mind can do....
Nor am I sure about the correctness of me continuing down this path either? Is there really a audience for what is about to be handed over in a sense? I think so, I am not sure of course but how can anyone really be, I mean if you really think about it, are we not all just trying to figure this thing called life out and in my experience that never stops to be the case.
No matter who you are, from the richest to the poorest of us all, in the end the questions that really matter are basically the same.
How did we get here?
What are we supposed to be doing?
How are we to do it best possible for all?
What are the consequences of our failure?
How do we justify ourselves?
What are we going to do about it?
How do we do that?
I believe... Love and honesty are our true saviors, in this life and the ones to follow...without them, we are for sure lost in this existence...
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