January 9, 2013

Finding Time

Finding Time, can anyone tell me where I can actually do this?? Time to do everything I want in this thing called life, time to love, time to heal, time to laugh, time to cry, time to wish, time to daydream, time to read, time to play, time to be friends, time to be coworker, time to be Pappa, time to ignore the bills, time to vacation, time for music, time for practice, time for just being.... time time time.

To Whomever that actually came up of this thing we refer to as time, kiss my grits... Just think if the human beings understanding of time was so to say in a state of non? That our way of understanding time was just not there, gone, forever.. how old would we live to be then? Getting to work on time? Is that your first thought? Uff if it was, but I am sure in a culture that has no clock time so to speak, I would assume that getting somewhere would be based on the position of the sun for example?? Knowing this to be a historical fact, it's kind of fun for me to actually dwell in that place for a second and just think about the what if's and what not's...

Anyway, I wish finding time was actually possible, like finding a lucky rock or finding ones way in this life. It is not possible. Sorry but I do believe that and guess fell like the time I have is the time I have, make the best out of it, each and every day, succeeding some days and failing others, hoping along the way the the success out way the failures by a good number. I guess, hoping and wishing for things is just another human trait that maybe has some effect on the outcome of our lives, maybe not. Maybe it's all just a random series of events that somehow shape your life along the way you live it...? Who knows? For sure, not me.

Well, I don't really have to go, but I am done writing now, and I guess I don't really know if I'll have anything more to write about either.... finding time to do this blogging is not all about that actually, it's about having the desire to share, and I guess I don't really see why that is so important really... I mean really who gives a crap about it? I really don't know and I am about done giving two thoughts more about it. I have to pay another sum to keep it going... not a big one 10 bucks, but I seriously doubt this thing has a future....

So, unless I have some huge change of heart or something, a reason to keep this going... well, thanks to the people who have commented thru the years and I guess the only thing left to say is I really do hope everything works out for everyone...........