September 29, 2012

Sweden, Denmark and TIn Cup

We are sitting here in Råde waiting for the rv people to fix the battery in the unit so we can hit the road asap... we should have been half way down to Ystad in Sweden by now but here we sit. The tournament starts this Wednesday and I need every hour of day light to practice, not sit and wait for something that should have been right the first time... oh well, that's life huh?? Yup and I know it, even though it's hard to smile and bare it, that's just what has to happen and that's what we are doing. The women and me.
Trying to get some balls hit, chips, pitches and make some putts in the hole is the idea for the next two weeks and from on and for over...

Nordea Tour is the first qualification tournament on the menu, two rounds, one cut and then another round that can be important if we get through. Have never been south of Malmø in Sweden, have heard nice things of the courses there, even the weather this time of year can be super... we hope and hope some more... give me a Swedish Indian summer that's for sure.
After that it's Himmerland Golf and Spa, the Ecco Tour qualification and a new chance of getting a Nordic Leauge ranking that can be important... In a sense it's two chances to get a better status for the next seasons tour, even though it's two different lands, they are so close and the cooperation between the two is very good... Norway could and should learn something from their neighbors, tournament golf is important for a nations future and the possiblity for getting players to the high levels... The sweds and danes have players in the Ryder Cup, where are the other scan lands?? Learn and learn and learn... Would like to say they are getting there, but I've been out of tournament golf now for almost 5 years, and things done changed...

Maybe for the better, at least for me they are... much better..
I think of Tin Cup from time to time, even one person at work yesterday said it to me... sounds like to much Tin Cup for me... and I said that's right, the whole idea back the movie is to follow your dreams, blow causation to the wind and let er rip!!!

" I know I can it that shot..."
"Stop around and do it then..."


Nothing is like it, what it does to people of all ages, sizes, social standings, you name it, people all over the planet acting as if the  world is ending... Each and everyday. What can one do? Get mad? Yes, one could get angry, lash out, say things of all type and not even understand themselves why they are being just that way. . Stress feels, it can do a lot of different things to people. . some actually eat off it, strive over it, use it their advantage somehow, loving certain kinds and deflecting it away, back to the place of origin and crushing it. . .

September 26, 2012

Understanding and the truth...

How can one's understanding of the truth be so different than someone who in for all actual purposes should have the same understanding or truth but for some reason unknown they have not the same truth or the will to reach an understanding. That's where I guess the crux of the problem lies for me, the games people play to achieve the one thing that matters most for How can people do this day in and day out without understanding the long term consequences for society as a whole? People who have the idea that they are the only one who understand 'the' real truth seem always to be the ones who attack first or that have the time and effort to give to such petty nonsense instead of focusing on the truth and understanding the fact that most people see right thru them....

When you stand on the brink of getting mad, realize that greedy people always will be just that, and the ones who are not, well, thank god for them and I do hope that there are more of 'those' kinds of people out there than the 'other'... Walk away, walk around, keep your gaze focused on the ground and your own understanding of the truth and be strong. Be ready for personal attacks, ridicule, misunderstanding and maybe most judgement... People judge each other every second of the day, our predigiouses get the better of us more often than not and we lash out, maybe not in our actions, but in our minds... This has to stop and each of us all has the power to change it, by just walking away and knowing the truth of our own character....

Is it possible to make ones own truth? Is it possible to really understand? Or is the truth just that, and forever and ever it will keep the final record of things here I believe... Gotta go and create a little of my own reality da..

September 21, 2012

A Big Thanks. . .

Thank you Peder, the help with the membership and the possibility to use one of Norway's best facilities and a great atmosphere to boot. Thanks to the guys at Evje, was super to get in 9 the other day, was real windy but fun. Thanks to the staff at Skoger, had a great day working on my wedges and then being allowed to borrow a cart, whew, saved my knee a lot and I can't thank you all enough. .

The weather outside the unit is getting colder, this might be one of the last trips up the hill here, if of are lucky we'll be heading real south in the middle to end of October, play maybe one of the last tournaments or two and then take a cheap plane ticket back to Norway. Back to the kids, work and most likely sofa surfing until we fly back south for more practice and hopefully some tournaments in tow... Signing off and hunkering down for the night, really roughing it. . :-)

September 9, 2012

Moving Day. . .

I'd guess that the expression 'moving day' has many different meanings to a slur of people but for me it's either used related to golf or actually doing the physical job of moving.

We are moving, in more ways than not we are just doing the physical work of moving to get to the golf, which we will also be doing while in motion. In many ways we will have moving day almost each and everyday. . .

We got the army of salvation coming on Wednesday, looking forward to seeing all the material 'things' I own more or less for the sake of having it, clothes, furniture, lots of stuff and oh my anticipation is great to see all the unneeded stuff on it's own journey towards someone who might actually really need and use all 'things'.

Night time now. . .