August 25, 2012

Bobil, RV, Camping Life.... a little redneck?

Made the huge step yesterday... signed my life away with a little swipe of my pen, made a somewhat fast decision but one that has been thought about for quite a few years... Moving in and going for it, that's a big step but one that is in many ways perfect for myself and the loved ones with and around me. Saving some money while at the same time paying myself for really going for it...

Funny how some things are real blessings, even losing things sometimes can bring about changes that might have been long overdue.  Anything in this life seems possible at times, a manic root being sowed by the dreams one has can never ever be a bad thing...

August 22, 2012

Golf Golf and more Golf....

Time is in, making no buts about it, one does only live one time, if one will be whole so must giving all to the dream a given. Is it possible to not understand one's self in things of this nature? Have I been wasting my time the last years? Why have I  not seen the opportunity before me? I believe that if one is willing to give everything in going after one's dreams than the dream is possible... I know now that for the most part people don't really care, they are like most humans, concerned with "theirs" and very little with the world around them or at least the world outside of their fist. Is it wrong to give everything for a dream? Or is it just selfish and if one does it with other people in their lives that might be affected, is it wrong then? I don't think so but I of course, I do not have any real answers myself, just the experience of living.....

August 19, 2012

Sweden. . .

Leaving for the bi weekly trip to the neighbor country, the neighbor land has much cheaper everything, being that they have real connection to the eu and most likely a different political set up so they keep the prices lower for the things people really need in their daily life. . . funny thing for me is the people who make more than enough still make the trip, saving a buck is like second nature for most people but sometimes i still think its strange. . politics that make people do the strangest things, using lots and lots of cash in the other land just because this one makes it so. . yeah yeah, lucky for us that live so close anyway how it makes of feel. . .

August 8, 2012


I do, really, have the urge to write sometimes, but now of late something seems to stop me and I can't seem to my finger on it... Was it something, someone, something, someplace?? Somehow I have been avoiding the task at hand, not really understanding why or when it might start again, but maybe it's really happening this time, for keeps if I'm lucky... Have some writing to do that's for sure, some cleaning house of sorts, putting things in some kind of order so that progress can be made... I don't know for sure, but the time is 0525 and I am sitting at the pc wondering about it all. Seems clear to me, at the same time it seems so far off, if you understand? Sometimes I guess people are themselves more concerned with the finished product, meaning in other words, looking past all the hard work it took or all the hard work it's going to take. Seeing only the end, the result, effects, whatever I guess... Babbling again...