March 5, 2012


Here she is chillin at the house in Manstad, in the one place she loves probably more than any on earth and it doesn't matter where kit might be either. Under a blanket of any kind and she is in heaven for doggies :-)

Looks like the chance is good that spring has come more or less.... That is super of course but and I am of course hoping it's here for real. Last week I ended up sitting some balls at the local 9 hole course, even ended up paying 1000 kroner for a ball card...

Was fun and the knee held up ok, just think about how it will be with things and I am hoping it's positive for everyone...

March 4, 2012


<p>When you miss something, you know, that feeling you get deep down in your stomach, depending on what or who is missing of course but that sinking feeling that drags at your very soul. Having that feeling is no good if you ask me, I miss my children sooo much sometimes that it really does hurt. A physical pain, without exactly knowing how or why it happens but it is weird to say the least.

Have a basketball game tomorrow morning, or should I be sayin later this morning... 0545 and still tired from not sleeping. Better go anyway and get a few hours before the game...