March 25, 2011


Waiting... what to think of it... I don't really know. Doing it can be tough, exciting, boring, thrilling, deadly, scary, you know.. all of the above. It's like when you waiting for something, whatever that might be, the time can seem to go a bit slow, fast or nominal. It has to be the 'thing' one is waiting for that makes a difference in the time experience. Bla bla bla I know... Sometimes waiting for me to finish a post might be at least a few of the these things above huh? hehe... anywho.. nothing really going on other than the usuall.. Sad all the stuff in Japan.. I end up wondering, and learning more because of it... is it not just too typical that the storm would include a nuk thingy.. just after the oil thing... how many months ago was that... every few months there is something new... terrible thing happening around the world. Uff da.. Maybe all this info sharing can be a little overboard. I mean think back a few hundred years just... and if something happened like such in Japan.. well, I think people in Europe and beyond would have never learned of it... Who knows? My own feelings.. Other than that, spring is coming to Norway... the snow is dripping away and that's all good.... Spring is good. Gotta go...

March 19, 2011


Growing up in the states I had a picture of how "they" were, you know, over there. The land of such great and tragic history. A very proud people, I always thought... When I was about say 10 or so, my family helped about 4 family's from Russia establish themselves in Portland, Or. The four families did everything together and we were so lucky to be part of several Russian weddings, births, and other high times. Anyway, the thing I learned about this people was, that all my pre-concieved notions about who and how they were as a people were totally wrong... These were people who loved their kids, each other and everyone who they considered their family, and after awhile they did, considered me a part if their family. Now to think of it I still have a wind up watch with the Star of the soviet union on it... and it still works. Hmm nice to think about... Now I have met myself another Russian, and this person is incredible.. Has shown me again many things that I can learn from, a way of thinking maybe? Maybe it's just 'their way' or something..But I am in love with the Russian people again, all the good memories come back about and this time the feeling are a bit different, but powerful indeed.. Cool and unexpected, but a gift from 'the gods'? Quite for certain yes. Hmm this is going to be a life changing thing, I can feel it... and it's all good ;-) Sometimes we need a life changing thing to happen to us all.... those occasions only come about once in a blue moon, so it's important to grip the day and go for it!!

It's starting to feel like spring here in Norway.. the snow is starting to melt during the day, the piles and piles of it are getting smaller... it still is cold and under freezing at night, but it's going and that's the important thing... soon it's all gone and in some sense life can start a new... Gotta run... Take care world...

March 12, 2011

Championship Week

It's sooooo cool to be able to watch the college hoops way over here in Norway. You all must understand that I NEVER had the chance to to that until two years ago... It was just not avaliable... Now the Norsky's have at least imported espn america.. Yippie!! And all the digital dipty du dads that enable one to 'tape' all the ones you miss... yayayaya... lots of hoops. Don't get the chance to watch all of them... that's like a full time job, but fast forwarding to the second half and seeing what kind of game it is. I encourage all my players to watch as much basketball as possible... everyday if they can. They need to drench themselves in it...Cover their whole lives in it and try and visualize as much as posible... What you can see in your minds eye is possible... how to make it happen is another thing. Think about it, we (humans) are making progress in a lot of areas, but are we really making the most of what is really possible.. are we able to, allowed to see the real froots of our knowledge?? One would hope so...

Whew... out on a tangent there... I know, my spelling sucks, but it is the way it is. Blogger has no spell checker, and I cn't be bothered to run the text thru a program before I post it.... Ya da.. Bla bla bla... Championship Week was the main topic and I'm really looking forward to seeing if there are any upsets or in other words some surprises...

Gotta go... the little man is demanding my attention :-)

March 11, 2011

Butterflies = Good??

Picture: The Butterfly Nebula from nasa. I thought about it, since the last time... Butterflies, are they good? The physical being, the butterfly is a beautiful thing yes, a sign of something in itself? I have no idea, maybe in some cultures they have a special place and meaning for the butterfly? Anyway, what I'm talking about are the ones people talk about, you know, the ones inside yourself. I've had them my whole life, and in many cases I caused them myself. Playing sports often has that effect on a person. I started playing bball games in maybe the 2nd grade, it was some church leauge... haha.. funny to think about. But the point is of course I had butterflies then as well, I got used to them, grew to like them... Hmmm. I have people I know thru my coaching that have no butterflies. None. If they do, it would be becasue of somthing very unexpected, almost maybe scary. I have not met many, but they are out there and it's cool to try and understand them. In some cases they are top athletes, others, it might be someone I've only met over the net... Can you imagne going through life almost never having butterflies? Uff da. I would have never made it without them. Just knowing that playing a hard shot in a golf tournament, shooting some game changing free throws, maybe just waiting for the game to start, for myself, it was yes to all the above and more. I got butterflies before practice even, growing up like I did, I might have even had butterflies just getting up in the morning... My point, (like anyone really gives  crap ;)) and for most of my players/students, when the topic has come up, they almost all say they like the butterflies, really, maybe they say they 'bother' them a little, but in the end, they almost all really like getting them. I have known a couple people who would get sick before games, tournamets, speaches... that's way to many butterflies :) Uff a meg.

Through my practices I hope to give the players/students a chance to understand things like these butterflies and make them work for them, and not against them (like the guys puking their pre game meal) :) Being able to understand how to control the energy of the butterflies is very important to the athlete and I am convinced tha it also has the same value for 'us normal', everyday people... Think about that for just a day, try and map out your butterflies, when, where, why, was it good or bad? And maybe why? Bla bla bla I know, but for a few interested readers, this might be gold da.. :) :/

March 10, 2011

Love = Drug??

I had someone tell me today that being in love, the mental state of it, creates a chemical reaction in the brain that is like a drug.... Now I trust this person very, so, this is something that I want to research a bit more, do some 'homework' on the matter/issue/idea.  My first impression of the idea is one of wonderment. Is it possible to understand such a thing? How to 'they'(the doctor's, all the phd folk) how do they know this info to be true? My contact says whole heartedly that it's true. Hmm, if that's the case then everyone is not getting the drug... If everyone was in the state of being in love, then everyone would be walking around on cloud nine wouldn't they? We know that is not the case... Interesting, how does one maintain the 'being in love' mindset? How does one create an enviroment that will be a help, not a hinder in the culltivation of such a state? How does one get out of that state if it is not wished? Or how does one get out of 'being in love'? There are times that people are in love with someone and that person does not know it, there ar time one does know but does not feel the same and there are times when two people actually do love each other but can't seem to 'find their way' to each other... If love is a drug, then how does one know how good it is and is there anyway to test it before 'buying in'? I am wondering about all this, right now... hehehe I guess I should do some research and then post again.. Take care world... Think good thoughts da!!

March 9, 2011


Things.. how are things? Have you seen the thing? What about that thing? Things in general... they are good. Nothing really happening than life, its taking it's twists and turns thru the universe much like the mother herself. When you have things, that's good. When you don't have some certain things that is also good... Of course things can be bad sometimes. I meet and hear about that from time to time... I know just one thing, that things do get better, and for the most part they get much better. I believe that... Life has it's twists and turns and for a large part of the time we are along for the ride... to see if 'things' work out.. Just think to yourself... how many times in ones life do 'things' just work out, without much help of oneself... sometimes the act of trying to change things, really does help. At least I believe that. Nothing is more sad in life when 'things' get bad and out of ones own control... That is the worst... having nothing to say about 'things'...

One 'thing' is for certain, and that life has this way of working out... People have 'things' they need to do, 'things' they really need, 'things' they want, 'things', things... things... In a rare mood da ... things are good. :)

Take care of each other people, love, life, light, peace, harmony, joy, all the good stuff da... wish it and wish it often da... ;)

March 5, 2011

Lazy Sat....

Yada... Sitting on the sofa, watching the hoops, takin in the past weeks games, looking forward to all of them... Just like a little kid. It's so fun to see the kids working sooo hard, just for the name on the front of the jersey. The nba guys don't do that.. I understand that they play many more games, longer season, bla bla bla... The fact remains the same, everytime the college guys lace em' up they are really trying their most everytime out, every second, through out the whole game and that is the way it's supposed to be... Could have wished the nba guys did the same.. Then maybe I'd watch more of the regular season and no just the playoffs. Beacuse I must say, I almost never watch the regualr season for the nba.. To boring I think... I know there might be some of you readers that are saying huh? But I really do believe it, and in many ways I see it, all one has to do is watch the games and see the intensity level the players have... Bla bla bla I know...

Not much else happening here in Saltnes... Today we actually had plus degrees! It was about +3 at it's warmest.. Yippie... maybe spring is on it's way? Hahaha.. I never believe it until all the snow is gone, the degree's get over 10, the birds return in full, never do I celebrate the coming of spring until these things happen.. Only after living here for so many years will do that to you.. I can remember the first years I lived here.. I was always thinking, 'now spring is here'.. Only to suffer the cold and snow one more time... No more ;-) Now I just wait it out... but it's a little funny though... you do, after all the months of cold, dark, lots of snow... your stomach tinggles with anticipation with the coming of warmer days.. The biggest change now is the lighter mornings and evenings... It's light now until 1730 or so... So spring is coming, when it gets here I have learned to wait for da.. More bla bla bla I know.

Take care people, thanks for all the kind words and honesty I have recieved through the past weeks.. The online coaching is picking up a little which is fun and rewarding too.. Global Coaching... hmm maybe I should start a company with that name, there is now one that has that one yet.. hahaha.. Later folks, be good, think peace, love and all the good stuff!!!

March 1, 2011

Night Shifts...

Jada.. Worked the night shift, just got home from taking my daughter to school, dropping off the little guy to kindergarden and now am lying on the sofa trying to get caught up on the ncaa hoops I've recorded in the past days... Lots of games.. sleep through most of them, but it's at least on and I get some of it ;-) I really do enjoy watching the college guys. Playing their hearts out for each other and the name on the front of the jersey.. It's closer to being a pure form of the game, now that's just my opinion and I know there are many of them, on both sides of the issue. Bla bla bla...

Anything happening ellers? Nah, things are going there course, one can and ofen does become much oblivious of what the wants and needs are, to and of oneself, others and in a sense, to most of the other humans of the planet.  Now after having worked a night shift, REAL tired and being one to think these things wide awake, I guess the senses multilpy when one is physically real tired, exhausted in some regard. Bla bla I know. Hoops wise? Getting started up again after the winter vacation for the players. I really do hope that they took the time to stay in shape, just for them of course, for me it makes no difference really. If they are not in shape, well, then there is just one thing to do well? Yup and uff da. Hoping the first anyway, that they kept in shape da, but my experience and instinct tells me the latter... No biggie, and for most of them I assume it's just a good thing, for the ones not in shape, they get in shape and the ones that are in shape, well, yes my friends they just get better in all regards, better shape for one and they can push themselves all practice, which of course makes them better than the guys playing catch up so to say..

Now it's time to turn off the L top and relaaaaxzzzzzz ;-) Take care of yourself(s) and please try to think positive thoughts about the future, hope, love, peace, harmony and then more love. Heap it on folks. All of mankind are in desperate need of it!!

Use the force people ;-)