August 21, 2010

Graveyard Hoop Thoughts

This coming hoops season I hope to remember to post some of my posts that I write for the players on my boys 94 team. This is a great group of kids and I am lucky to have the chance to be their coach. Anyway here's the post I left for them on their blog:

Hoopsters: We are coming up on a new season this next week, it's been about 3 months since we have practiced and I'm assuming that everyone is ready to see one another, catch up, talk, all the 'normal things' that us humans do... Well, that's all and good, and you can do that, b4 and after practice, when the clock is the 'right' time we will start practice- just like last year ;-) You are all another year older, a year wiser, bigger, stronger, mature and I hope hungry. Hungry to get after it, give 100%, all the time, for the length of practice, focusing on the goals at hand and giving it all for yourself and your teammates
We have a long season ahead of us, many days of practice, games, school,homework, family, friends and the time we all use on the 'stupid' pc ,-) In thinking about this, I a few thoughts... We all need to think about what our goals are as a team and as individuals, think about the ones you know about, think about the ones you think might be cool but a little out of reach, dream of your longterm goals, in your heart, and use this season as a spirng board forward towards them, through the game, whatever they might be...
Let's all hope for a fun season, with many good memories from all the practices and games.
See ya'll G 94 (not G 95 this year fellas':-)) on Wen. at 1830 ready to start warming up!


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