July 21, 2010


Getting or not getting sleep, good rest or not and how that effects one. I know how it affects me and mine. No one likes not sleeping, and if you can't sleep, it's like torture. I normally don't have a big problem sleeping, but like every other adult I know, sometimes our minds are so powerful that the body does not know how to shut down. I'm sure there are medical/biological reasons for this, but I'm thinking more about how the mind works in the ways not understood and which I would assume is most of it, ie, the brain and the wonders it holds. We humans, in my opinion, or at least this human feels like we don't have a clue as to the true meaning or power of our brain. Jaja, I slept good last night, awoke really early this morning, I am looking forward to the day and all it's splendor. Looking forward to being part of the moments in time, moments that will only survive in the depth of my soul, only to be relived by myself and my memory. Feeling a bit mystical this morning. Hoping everyone has a good day/night. Gotta go...

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