July 30, 2010

Kids, you gotta love em..

Having these two wonderful kids is something really special, they are the lights of my exsistance, just having the seconds of eye contact with them each day is like another moment in time burned into the memory of this life forever. I could never live without my kids, like Mrs Doubtfire I guess, I'd do anything to be with them. My wife and I have been lucky and blessed with two wonderful kids that have given us and each other so much joy and happiness that it's impossible to describe in words. It's like seeing yourself in the mirror of time, I often wonder, 'is there a piece of me really living within the soul of my children?'I wish I could know for sure, it's one of the great mystries in life for me, wondering if I'll see my sister again, my grandparents, friends that have passed way to soon and friends and family we live our daily lives with of course.... I know one thing for sure, I'd go to the end of time for my family, search the universe for them and somehow enter the next life a better soul, a more pure energy, reaching a collective understanding of root of all things.... Babbling on here..  - Natta world ,-)

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