July 14, 2010

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley got his book published in 1932. This poster is from the movie made some 30+ years later. He was a humanist and pacifist, and he was latterly interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology and philosophical mysticism. He is also well known for advocating and taking psychedelics. I have both read the book and seen this movie. The book was a lot better for those wanting to feel the ideas of the book in the way the author intended. I do not agree in his idea's or defense of paradise-engineering. It's way to much like human-engineering/eugenics.

Here's a little of a book review I like:

"Thus BNW doesn't, and isn't intended by its author to, evoke just how wonderful our lives could be if the human genome were intelligently rewritten. In the era of post-genomic medicine, our DNA is likely to be spliced and edited so we can all enjoy life-long bliss, awesome peak experiences, and a spectrum of outrageously good designer-drugs. Nor does Huxley's comparatively sympathetic account of the life of the Savage on the Reservation convey just how nasty the old regime of pain, disease and unhappiness can be. If you think it does, then you enjoy an enviably sheltered life and an enviably cosy imagination. For it's all sugar-coated pseudo-realism.

In Brave New World, Huxley contrives to exploit the anxieties of his bourgeois audience about both Soviet Communism and Fordist American capitalism. He taps into, and then feeds, our revulsion at Pavlovian-style behavioural conditioning and eugenics. Worse, it is suggested that the price of universal happiness will be the sacrifice of the most hallowed shibboleths of our culture: "motherhood", "home", "family", "freedom", even "love". The exchange yields an insipid happiness that's unworthy of the name. Its evocation arouses our unease and distaste."

I know this might seem like, "What the heck... is Kevin taking about now...?" Read the book with today's world in thought, see what is happening around the world, who and what are being changed into a modern "Brave New World?". There are many different things happening around the world and not all of them hugs and kisses.

Read the book by clicking on this link:  http://huxley.net/bnw/one.html

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