April 22, 2010

Pappa and Little Gutt

Pappa and Little Gutt taking some pictures and just being silly. He's been hitting some balls inside and putting a bit on his 'inside green'. Every single day he's at it... funny little guy. I never have to ask him if he wants to play some golf, it's a given and the sooner I 'get it' the better off I'll be ,-) He even asked me after breakfast if we could go out to the golf course and putt a little. I'd love to, but it's just so #*!*# cold outside. Today it's a sunny, beautiful day, not a cloud to be seen, no chemtrails but it's 5 degree's outside and I have no plan to go out and enjoy the cold. I know, I know, put some more clothes on the little tike and go out.... I just can't stand the cold actually, I am much happier day in and day out if the weather is warm. I wonder what % of people have the same feelings. I know there are people who like the cold, rain, wind and all kinds of weather, but my gut tells me that most people 'have to' like the warm weather 'much' more than the afore mentioned. Again, sorry for the bad spelling.. I'd use 'bigger' words if I was more confident in my ability when it comes to the bs called spelling. I have some understanding of the importance of correct spelling, the importance of being able to communicate through the written word and all that. BUT if i sarted to right lik thes peopl whoold stil undestand??? Or what.. I took a couple speed reading classes in high school and college and we learned that if you train yourself to, you can pick up the important letters and words pretty fast and with some practice you 'just fill in the blanks' yourself. That being said, I have no idea why I am writing about that exact theme... ,-) Probably my tendence to be a poor speller.... haha. Gotta go...

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