December 23, 2009

Snow Bound Boy

The little guy is having his first real winter with snow and all the fun surrounding that. One more day and it's christmas eve and I am looking forward to seeing what his reaction is to the tree, decorations, food, and of course the presents. We will be having a white christmas and that's nice. Where I grew up we never had a white christmas, and that's ok, but with the snow, the 'spirt' of the whole season has the chance to be even better. Golf wise, nada here and I assuming that will be 'par for the course' for the for-see-able future. Still taking the heart meds, and sometime after new-years I'll be having a procedure at the heart clinic in Moss. Once the heart is good, then the knee will be next and after that maybe, just maybe, the desire will come back to play the game again. As of now, I can't really say there is any of that to be found.. Ya da, anyway, for all the folks that read the blog(s), just wishing you all a happy hoilday season!

December 12, 2009

Funny boy

We were out eating dinner the other night and I asked the little guy to give me a big smile and this is what I got... hahahaha, funny boy. Still nothing golf related happening here for me, not even sure what the point of thinking about it either. My heart problem is not getting better and the doctor's and specialists are just saying that it takes time.. bla bla bla. I hope that things will change once I get a meeting with the heart doctor in Moss. Sad to see what has happened to the world's best player, I am surprised that Tiger was not smarter and all that.. I know that we are all human and that everyone makes mistakes, but it seems like he has been making the same mistake over and over and over. It's not like he was caught taking drugs or something, maybe he must have problems that only he can work through. Have read that his wife has bought a place in sweden... ya ya.. the whole thing is just really sad. The hoop team lost a tough game today in overtime. Check the bball blog if your interested. Looking forward to the end of next week, then I'll have a little over two weeks free for x ams break from work. Later.

December 9, 2009


Here she is after two years of braces. The dentist did a great job and I know that she is happy 2! Beautiful smile and girl. Nothing really happening on the golf front, I did play some 'stimulation' golf the other day with big d and his wife Karin, which was a real pleasure and I hope we can do that again sometime. Coaching the hoops is very fun and the kids work so hard to improve that I am so glad I made the coaching move/change. They inspire me to be a better coach as well as 'making it worth my time', to put it another way. You can read about the team on the bball blog located on the right side of this side. Couple weeks and it's christmas. Will be fun to see the little guy and his response to the whole deal.

December 1, 2009

Almost a new year

Dec 1st... Yada git.. One more month and it's 2010. That makes me think about the film, 2010 A Space Oddissy (sp). I remember seeing that film a looong time ago when I was a kid, and remember thinking or wondering if things would ever be like things in that movie. Given that we really have no clue of the state of technology at the highest level, maybe 'they' have the tech to reproduce the things in the film and we common people have no clue. As for golf, nothin really happening here in that regard, I have no clue when or if I'll be able to play next season, still waiting for my heart to get fixed and the knee... maybe by the end of winter I'll be able to develope a plan for that. Now it's family, work, and friends that are #1.