October 28, 2009

Reading to little gutt...

Amanda was reading to 'minste' a few days ago, he really likes to cuddle up and read some books. She is real good with her little brother and loves spending time with him no matter what they are doing. Myself I have worked graveyard last night and have tonight as well. Have bball practice tonight and am looking forward to that. The boys have been playing and practicing hard and it's real fun to see them improving. Nothing really more to add, time for me to get up and start my 'day'...

October 22, 2009


The local paper has written a article about this concept, Grasrotandelen.. in short it's a way for people to give money to their sports club of choice when they play the lotto. The article stated that many clubs are struggling to make ends meet because the state has taken away their slot machine money. This Grasrot. thing is supposed to replace that money, but the problem is that the moeny being donated is in many cases not even half of what the clubs recieved b4. The point of me commenting on this is, the local golf club has still not registered themselves to recieve this support. So that would say that they get no support in this regards or in other words, they have lost the slot money and have not done anything to try and resolve that by getting the club at least in the posistion so that people who wanted to give when playing the lotto can... uff a meg for a gaggle of numbskulls. I have little or no understanding in this way of thinking, getting money for the club, without having to do more than registering the club online and put a news letter on the clubs homepage.. I know it's a tough job, and no one wants to do it........ herregud.

Practice, practice, practice . .

Leon is still at it, he's playing all kinds of sports in the house. Golf, basketball, tennis, american football, baseball, ice hockey and whatever else might be on the tube. I have the espn american channel and we get all the american sports and Leon seems to like golf and baseball best.. hahahaha. Have to smile and just take it all in. College hoops starts next month and I am excited to see what happens then. Worked night shift last night, have another graveyard shift tonight and then I have 'free' until next tuesday. Nothing really more happening da.. have seen that Grønmo golf club is looking for a new 'sports boss and head pro'.. have called and left message to hear what the deal is there. I know most of the better players there and if for some weird chance I did end up there maybe it would be good. I am assuming that the club there has someone in their sights, something that is usuall for the golfing business. I have left a message with the leader and will be surprised if I get a telephone back. Getting a golf job closer to Oslo would be good as far as the possiblity to work with even more juniors, but being that I have the baskeball club sports boss job in my sights, I'd have to be reassured that making a move like that would be worth it. Of course working in golf is the thing I would like to do foremost, but as I've stated many times b4, I am skeptical to things now. 15 years in the norwegian golf business has taken it's toll and I would take a job if it was the right one, with the possiblity to make a difference with the junior golfers that choose golf as their main sport would of course be great.

October 18, 2009

Short shots...

Little guy hitting some short shots with his big sister. It's not warm outside as Amanda shows having to wear her bubble jacket but it's been sunny weather for this time of year. I can remember years where we have had lots of rain during the fall. We are lucky this fall - so far anyway. It's only 6-7 months until the temp will be over, what, maybe 10+.... during the night it's cold, talking minus 0 and it's only going to get colder. ,-) Leon thought it was pretty cool to have a real golf flag in his 'training senter'... we actually 'played' a few holes from different area's around the yard. He's starting to understand that we are both supposed to play and take turns. Funny how the kids once they learn something it just kind of sits there. Adult's often have a problem remembering how to do something until they get a 'key word' or phrase and then it's like, 'oh yeah, that's right'. It's also cool to see the hoopsters getting better and learning a bunch while giving full gas. The difference in coaching these kids is like night and day from what I am 'used' to. I remember the kids in the bball club in Halden were also like the Fredrikstad hoopsters, hard workers that understood the meaning of hard work and giving 100% for the whole team. It's strange that some (I would even dare to say, most) golf clubs here in Norway have such a hard time getting the idea of teamwork to actually work through the entire membership of their sports organ. It just seems to me that all the groups in the clubs more or less hold to themselves and the idea of mixing is not a popular one. I miss the feeling of a real good men's group where the team feeling is real and the ego's are left when you close your trunk and pick up your bag and get ready to play golf. Which is going to be an ol sport. I wonder how this is going to change the way things are run here in Norway. I wonder if golf clubs will actually consider their better players athletes who take their sport serious and support them in all facits. I doubt things will change from today's status quo. Sad that I have this feeling, but I can't really understand how to effect change even after working in the business for the last 15 years. I think it comes down to culture, what kind of culture does golf and it's 'sports' clubs have here in Norway. Not much culture really, only a few clubs here have a good culture not to mention even fewer that have a good sports culture in their golf 'sports' club. Just interesting that other sports clubs, football, hockey, handball, ski, basketball, shooting, fishing, hunting..... the whole point of the club is the sport and the playing of it and the people who are best are giving the opportunity to play at the highest level, but in most of the clubs I have either first or second hand knowledge, this is really not a high priority for the people who make the main choices..... yea yea.. bla bla.. same old story when it comes to this topic... depressing actually... BUT the picture of the kids gives me hope that maybe things can be better and more focus on the traditional way of doing things. Tradition, oh yeah, I forgot, can't really find one, well maybe one.......

October 16, 2009

Told you so... I think.

President cup was won again by the us side. I wonder, is the difference in ability between these two groups that much? On papir, of course not, and we just have to look to experience and a team feeling. Even though the us has struggled against the euro team during the ryder cup in recent years I might start believing in their team talk if they win the next in wales. Anyway, it's always nice to say I told you so... I think.

October 11, 2009

Presidents Cup

Have been trying to follow the P Cup. Looks good for the u.s. team leading 12 and a half to 9 and a half. Have not seen hours and hours like I might have a tendency to do when it's the Ryder Cup. I can't really explain it either, last night I chose myself to spend hours cleaning in the garage instead of watching the P Cup. Oh well, my wife is for sure happy that happened da. It would be cool to see a close finish to the cup, but I have this feeling that the u.s. guys are going to win pretty easy. Seems like international guys are just a little gittery or nervous or something, I could be wrong, but it seems like maybe the u.s. guys are just more 'used to it', maybe playing this team style every year is good for their match play games. The european players have the Seve trophy on the off ryder cup years them too... I really like match play, it's sad that we don't really have match play tournaments here in Norway, not that their is so much of them elsewhere around the world either, maybe it has something to do with that it takes so long and the amount of players is limited?? Have not really thought about that subject to much, just thought it was always fun to play match play in high school and college. Have had the Viacrap golf on today, and two times the signal is gone for some length of time, thye give no explanation of why or when it will be back, nothing... uff a uff a uff a meg.... Ahhh there is was, missed the signal from Madrid... there working on it... ya da ya ya... gotta get better service than that? I'm really at the point that I have to laugh at the poor service, I have had the golf channel for many years, scince it started, 2000 or something and it's always been suspect. Done biatching now...

October 6, 2009


2 great kids. Leon is showing Amanda how to putt... She thinks it's cute. Lucky to have such a wonderful daughter, she's so caring and loving towards her little brother. "Minste" is in good form and so goes life. Both kids getting bigger actually right b4 my very eye's. We feel so lucky.

October 3, 2009


Yup. . here's the little guy giving me a big smile! Nothing to add really, things are going good and we are feeling the feet of the fall coming. Getting colder and in a month or so it'll be dark by 1700. Ya,ya... That's the way the cookie crumbles here in Norway, it goes fast from summer to fall, fall to winter and so on.. Nothing more to do than get out the winter clothes and gt the ice scrapper warmed up ;-)

October 1, 2009

Night Shift...

Put in my two nights this week and just woke up. It's going to be hard to get to sleep tonight but that's the way it is da. I have 10 or 11 days free now and I am hoping to make the most of it. Tanja still has vacation and we have a few wishes for the remainder of her vacation. Her and Amanda have been to Tusenfryd today, Norway's biggest ammusment park, lucky Amanda da, we were there earlier this summer and had a good time. Anywho, time to drag my bones out of bed and get downstairs to see what he little guy and 'bestemor' are up to.... Oct 1 today? I'll be pickled pink, it is... Time flys and soon it's a new years...