June 22, 2009

Amanda makes a new friend

Here's Amanda playing with a neighbor bunny, we hope that it has a home somewhere close. It was eating grass and carrots out of Amanda's hand and seemed pretty tame, so it for almost certain is not wild. We have german hares' here in this part of Norway but I don't think this one is, his little bunny feet would be bigger I would assume. Amanda has her last day of school this tuesday and is excited to have the summer months free. She has also stated that she wants to play some golf this summer, I of course hope this is true!!

Leon gets 1st Ping set!

Here's the little guy with his new Ping putter! His Godfather Mark gave him a new set of moxi ping clubs, a putter, 9 iron and hybird. I've seen Leon happy everyday but this day was something special. While Mark, Leon and myself were putting we saw Leon make three or four putts in a row of about 10 feet. Mark and I were standig there with our mouths hanging open. I have not had a chance to play any golf yet this season but have "PUTTA" a lot with Leon. I am hoping to set up a little practice and playing rutine starting sometime this week. Have a few tournaments coming up and I am hoping to play well...so... that means practice and playing!! Looking forward to feeling the grass under my spikes, the smell of the course, and the sound of good golf shots.

June 15, 2009

Rade J - 12 were 2-1-1

Amanda's handball team played well this weekend, it was fun to watch them and see the progress of the group as a whole. There are maybe around eight girls that have played together now for about six years scince they started back in their first grade year. Being that I have many years experience coaching, I have made an effort to not be so vocal about my thoughts as far as the playing strategy and the like. I have had to regulate myself by sitting a little further away from the group of parents because I am always making comments and don't want the other parents to be affected by my opinions. I know from experience that being a coach for a team like this can be a thankless job really. I have just given Amanda's coach(who is quiting)my support for the most part by trying not to give advice or ideas. I know how difficult it can be. Next year the girls will have a coach which is not either a parent or some other relative, which I know will be better for the girls. In my experience these girls are reaching the age where it's not just fun to be part of the team anymore, where winning and losing start to mean something and I believe the girls will start to realize this from next year on. This group might actually have some real talents and I just hope that the club (Rade Il) understands that and takes good care of the girls and gives them the chance to see what they can do.....

June 13, 2009

Amanda at hand ball cup

Here she is sleeping with the team at Bo. Tomorrow it's three games and Summerland! Amanda and I drove up to Summerland in a little over three and a half hours taking a "back" way, will not be taking the "back" way home because it took almost an hour longer and was much more "up the mountain. down the mountain".... This picture was taken on Friday when we got there and Amanda slept here while I was camping out in the Chevy. The campground we stayed in was nice and all the facilities were good. I'll put in a picture of the "hotel a la suburban" a little later.

June 8, 2009


Here we have it, I looked up in the ski today in the back of the house and there they were. Chemtrails. G-damn it. I have seen these in other places but never here in Saltnes. I took this and watched the damn thing widen out and float down twords the planet knowing that it is not "regular" cloud. The ski was pretty clear about an hour before this picture and there were many of these strips being laid out. For those of you that have no clue about what I am talking about, just google chemtrails and start your own discovery. This is not a hoax or that I've lost it, read up people and then wake up. "They" are spraying us with a real nice mix of chemicals and alloys. NO JOKE!!