May 10, 2009

Flash Back to AVCC

Here's Amanda putting at Antelope Valley CC in Palmdale CA. This was takin a little over a year ago. She has been out to the club here in Norway a couple of times to practice a little. She has not been bugging me to play or anything, something she of course could do without be being bothered at all. She hit the ball ok when we were at the driving range and I think if she wanted to could be pretty good. I myself have hit maybe three buckets of balls this season, have not practiced the short game except "PUTTA!!" with the little guy. We will most likley be out putting again today. He was at the club yesterday for over two hours just putting... "PUUUUUTTA!"

May 1, 2009

He's back at it.. ;-)

The little guy was putting today for about two hours. Several times I asked him if we should put together at the same hole and he looked at me and said "no,no".. Funny guy. He actually had a little blister on his little hand from putting so much. I got to get him a little putter that is not so heavy.