January 15, 2009

Leon is thinking deep.....

Here's the little guy reading through what I assume is the latest golf mag and it looks like he's in deep thought about something important. Nothing really happening golf wise here in Norway as of now, I am still waiting to hear from the golf club about when we might be starting up winter training. Have no written contract as of yet, but the verbal agreement is there and as far as I'm concerned the verabal is just as good. Anyway, can feel the desire to start teaching again and getting back at the playing of the great game as well. Gotta run, but will be trying to post some news as it comes in....

January 1, 2009

New Year - New Chances?

Happy new year! We had a nice new years eve get together with some good friends and their two wonderful kids. We ate taco and my guest sponsered the fireworks, thanks mister! We were up late and even Leon was up until the new year. He seems to have enjoyed himself and now is taking what I hope is a long afternoon nap. I have been fighting the cold that has been going around, which I of course caught from my wife. Hoping the rest of the family dosn't get it from me. Feel a little better now.... New years resolutions? Not a big fan of making them actually. In my opinion the key to having a happy life, "success" of somekind or another, whatever the case may be, the goal should always be to srtive for excellence all the time. I do know of a few people that have this ability to "stay the course" if you will, but only a handful. We all struggle with our goals in this life, we all are constantly pushing the level of how much we "can"do, or fit in our lives. That's why we have a choice to make everyday, and yes today is the start of a New Year, so the choices and goals made this day have become called as something special, new years resolutions, ok, I will give that. But let's not forget that it's the "doing" and the choices we make day in and day out that give us a happy life or the "successes" we seek. Took it a little deep there maybe, but have had some of my readers wanting me to express myself a little more, so, there you go, hope it wasn't to windy for ya'll. Happy Bird hunting this year!!