May 31, 2008

Hole 14 at Moss & Rygge

Played yesterday with a couple of my students at Moss & Rygge Golf Club just outside of Moss, Norway. The weather was great at 08:30 and we felt like we must have been in South Carolina. The course was in good shape, I thought there was quite a bit of clover on some of the holes but overall the course was nice and the greens were rolling real good. Fun to putt when you feel like you can really roll the ball and have it hold the line and if you happen to miss a putt (which never happens to me.. hahaha) you can at least not blame the quality of the greens. Played from the tips, hit the ball better twords the end of the round and ended up -1. Looking forward to practicing and playing the next days inbetween my teaching. Leaving this wensday and I am excited to play down in Kristiansand that's for sure!!!!

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