April 29, 2008

78 and 75.. Plus 8.. On to Thursday..

Played real good today without making any real putts.. The tournament starts on the last nine on Saturday, we'll hope for 3 days with great putting..

April 26, 2008

Royal Oak Golf Club

One of two courses that are holding ecco tour qual. Played ok today.. Feeling a bit sick actually coughing and soar throat.. Maybe a blessing in that people often play well when there under the weather.. Hoping to feel better of course..

April 21, 2008

Moorland at The Legands

Hole number 7 at the Moorland at The Legands. 245 yard par three. Was the only hole I made an over par score today, a double. Other than that I I had 7 birds and the rest pars. 67 shots... Not bad for a course that is rated the 37th hardest course in the USA. I hit many iron shots close to the hole today. Many tap in birds. Was weird because before I got to the course I stopped at a Piggly Wiggly food store and the lady took a look at me and asked if I was going to play golf today, I said yes and she said that she thought I was going to play one of my best rounds. Huh? I said and she pointed out the total of my purschase which was 8,88 dollars and she said that must be a sign. She also said I should buy a lottery ticket. Ha ha ha. Funny though. I did play one of the best rounds of my life today, tee to green. Hope this is a sign for things to come in the season coming up!!! Golf is fun!! Leaving for Norway tomorrow and I am looking foward to getting home!!

The gator at The Witch

A real live gator at The Witch golf club. Was a nice course and reminded me a little of Onsoy. The holes were a little longer and a bit more wide. Played with some nice guys from Florida and South Caorlina. Had a 75 with one bird and four bogey. I am hitting a bunch of greens and fairways and leaving myself to far for realistic birds but it's fun no matter what.

April 20, 2008

Man O War, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Here's a picture from the heart of the course. Played here today in strong windy conditions, shot a 76. Only one bird with 5 bogey. Played The Wizard yesterday and had a 73 there with 2 chip in birds and 3 bogey. The greens here are hard and fast. Not real used to having to allow for so much run but is it fun? Oh yeah!! And it's real good practice for the Ecco Tour Qual at the end of the month. The wind and hard conditions will most likey be waiting for me in Denmark. We have purchased a condo in the Windsor Green development on the course of The Wizard and Man O War. Will be playing the last of the three sister courses tomorrow, The Witch, rated among the very best here in Myrtle Beach. The weather has been great, over 25 degrees each day. The beach looks great even though I have not had a chance to go dip my feet in the Atlantic. Am looking forward to getting back home, seeing my family again and getting back to work both at Onsoy and getting my tournament schedule started for the season.

April 15, 2008

Here is Group D

The boys with Steve. You get a small look at the new covered range here at Onsøy. Had a good training with the kids today and we are looking forward to helping them get better. Was raining when practice started but turned out to be pretty nice. When the sun goes down it gets cold fast. Leaving for South Carolina tomorrow and will be back next wens. The kids are in good hands Steve and this will be a good time for him to bond with them. Will be sending updates from "over there"....

Here is Group B and Steve

Group B boy's at Onsøy, great group of guys and today was first practice of the outdoor season!
Steve, all the way to the left in the striped "lua" was with us today and we had a good time introducing him to the kids. Looking forward to training with the boys through out the season!!

April 13, 2008

14th again at Onsøy

Cool to see the difference in the green from the earlier picture, the different lengths of grass but you can still see the water in the bunker, so yeah, it's pretty wet out there. The last nine is dryer than the first. Will try and get pictures from this hole through out the season to see a bit of change in the colors. This is probably my favorite spot on the whole course here at Onsøy. Anyway, getting ready to leave this Wens and am hoping for a nice but productive trip to South Carolina. I am of course taking my sticks and will be practicing earlly in the morning and taking care of house business in the afternoon.

April 12, 2008

Another round at Onsøy...

Walking in on hole 18 at Onsøy. Played with Steve today, we had a good trip around the course today and the back nine is drying up real nice. The first nine was a bit soggy and you needed to move the ball around to get a dry spot but no biggie. The greens were a surprise today, not very soft, well, they were soft but it was a surprise that they were pretty dry considering the rain we have had. Hit the ball ok today, made one bird on 18 today, not for a lack of decent chances, but bumpity bump it went and of course hole 15 was a challenge with an "other" being scored there. 76 with one bird and many chances, I'll chaulk it up to one of those rounds and keep thinking positive. Steve was hitting it pretty good especially considering the changes he's making to his swing, keep up the hard work big man and you'll see the fruits of your hard work.

April 9, 2008

A Little Reminder

Just a little reminder of that summer is on the way!! This tree is called a Joshua Tree and is only found in the middle east and the eastern desert of California. It's in the catus family. This one looks like it was split by lightning, weird looking I know, but proof that the world is not all that big after all. Picture taken at Antelope Valley CC on hole 16.

April 5, 2008

Mark and Stephen at Onsøy.

Here's the boy's, we played today and had a great time. The weather was good and the course is geting better day by day. Played pretty good today, had 6 birds but a couple "others". All in all was happy with the play and the ball striking from around 100mt and in. Am looking forward to playing some more in the days to come.

April 4, 2008

Shivas Irons

Shivas Irons say this is what life is all about... For those of you that have read the book "Golf in the Kingdom" you'll know what I'm talking about and for those of you who have not read the book, well, you really need too!! A great story and an eye opener.

Onsøy Golfklubb 15th Hole

One of the nicest views on any golf course in Norway, I played the last nine holes today and got in some practice with my wedges. Played ok, I have lost a little feeling scince I've been home but I hit the ball decent and played good the last 4 holes with a eagle on 18. Greens are getting there, a little long but I have to remind myself that it is the first week in April and the grass needs time. Patience KP.

April 3, 2008

Onsøy Golfklubb's 18th Hole

It's great to see the club open, I saw a lot of people out at the club today and that was nice to see! Had some lessons today and that was good, I didn't get time to pratice today but that's the way it goes.. I will practice tomorrow... The driving range roof is coming along good and they look almost done. I'll be sure to take a pic and post it asap!

April 1, 2008

Playing with Jon..

Played a nice nine hole round with one of my students, a nice young man named Jon. We had a nice walk and the golf was so,so. I can tell I haven't been out on grass for a little over a week now. Hit the ball ok, had six greens in regulation and was in the fringe on two others. The course was pretty wet in some places but no biggie to move the ball to find a dry spot. The greens were, well, long and I am looking forward to being able to get some putting practice in after they are cut! Other than that the weather was super and good company. It's supposed to rain tomorrow... boo hiss but it's forcasted nice on thursday and friday. Picture is of the 14th green, beautiful. Thanks again Jon for a nice walk!